Friday, March 19, 2010


A question going in my mind:
Why do all girls want to lose weight?
No one is satisfied!!!!
Girls go like, OMG can u see this part of me, I NEED TO LOSE WEIGHT!!
Other girls (who are realllllyyyyyn skinny) they go like ughhhh,, I have the biggest belly ever, and when u look u find their tummies tucked in, and they look so fit.
The fact is that girls know that they are thin, but they need someone tell to them, what? are you kidding me? you're very thin!!!!
I found out a solution to deal with this!! whenever a girl says omg look I'm very fat I want to lose weight, I look at them, nod, and go like "uha, mmmm, ok" to save my self the trouble of the long conversation of I'm fat, no ur not, but look, trust me ur not!! boring conversation :D
People who know me very well, probably know that I want to lose 5 kilos,, yep yep, its true, but the fact is I dont need anyone to tell me your body is fiiine, you dont need to lose weight, blah blah blah, I'm like all the girls, I have the paranoia of being slim, and I want to be slim :D
p.s. I didnt deny the fact that I'm also a girl :D
Quick thing I wanted to mention:
Guys also have the paranoia of having the greatest body, going to the gym, 6 packs, el bi wel tri we bench :P so i guess its not only girls :D

Friday, March 12, 2010

My first Blog

5 mins ago I was reading my friend's Blog, and I was like "man that's cool, why not try to blog." Thats when i decided I'll search for a blogging web site and start doing my own blog.
First I have to say I have no idea what am I going to write here, but I'm giving it a try.
I'm in a country where I think no one ever knows what a blog is. I also dont think any one ever is gonna read this, but trying to communicate even if its with myself is cool :D
I would like to talk about my self for a bit,
I'm a student, a senior in Mass Communication, which means I'm in my 4th year of college, I would have to admit that each year passed I'm getting more attached and in love with my university! If you do know me then probably you would have known that I lied in the past line, the truth is "I HATE MY UNIVERSITY" Come on people, I'm in a faculty that I know nothing about, yes I said I've been there for 4 years, but the university is FUCKED UP, for these four years I've been taking like 6 subjects in my major!!! I'll leave the rest of the comments, I dun wanna talk about it more than that :D it doesn't deserve my feelings ;)
Enough about university, the cool thing is that I'm about to be 21!!! yaaaay for me that's the greatest thing that can happen to me this year!! Finally being legal.
In the past year I've been really bored in my life, and all of a sudden I have everything going on in the same time!!! I have my graduation project, work, university, GYM(trying to be fit ;)), plus I have taken a new team leader position in AIESEC which have been keeping me very busy lately, I cant even find time to see my friends any more!!!

This is it for my first blog as I have to leave for an AIESEC meeting now, but hope I did good :D